Selasa, 28 Juli 2015



Goose bumps, are the bumps on a person's skin at the base of body hairs which may involuntarily develop when a person in extreme temperature or experiences strong emotions such as fear, nostalgia, pleasure, euphoria, awe, admiration, and sexual arousal. Goose bumps is called as cutis anserina in medical term.

Goose bumps are created when tiny muscles at the base of each hair, known as arrectores pilorum, contract and pull the hair erect. The reflex is started by the sympathetic nervous system, which is in general responsible for many fight-or-flight responses. This response is caused by cold temperatures or intense emotion. The hormone is involved in this response is a stress hormone called adrenaline.
Goose bumps can be experienced in the presence of cold temperatures. The stimulus of cold surroundings causes the tiny muscle attached to each hair follicle to contract. This contraction causes the hair strands to literally "stand on end." At the same time, the tiny muscles that are contracting are causing a "bunching" of the skin surrounding the hairs, which results in the "bumps" in goose bumps.
 In another reason, goose bumps caused by intense emotion. Example when we feels our hairs stands because of frightened or in awe. In an extremely stressful situation, the body can employ the "fight or flight" response. As the body prepares itself for either fighting or running, the sympathetic nervous system floods the blood with adrenaline or also called as epinephrine, a hormone that speeds up heart rate, metabolism, and body temperature in the presence of extreme stress. Then the sympathetic nervous system also causes the piloerection reflex, which makes the muscles attached to the base of each hair follicle contract and force the hair up.
Not only humans, but also animals can get goose bumps. As a response to cold some animals covered by fur or hair will erect their hairs that make the air trapped to create a layer of insulation.  Besides many mammals fluff up their fur when threatened, to look bigger and so more dangerous. In fact, a cat or mouse's battle-ready stance is related to our own goose bump reflex. In their case the muscles are responding to perceived threats by making the animals appear larger and more intimidating.
Goose bumps are bump in surface of skin caused by the cold of the temperature or intense emotion which involves the stress hormone called adrenaline, that make the arrectores pilorum muscel contracts and pull the hair errect.

Difficlut words:

Base : dasar
Presence : adanya, keberadaan
Involuntarily : tanpa sengaja
Attached : terlekat, terlampir
Arousal : gairah, stimulus
Literally : secara harfiah
Involved : terlibat
Employ : memperkerjakan
Awe : kagum
Fluff : bulu halus
Force : kekuatan, gaya
Stance : posisi, sikap
Bump : benjolan
Intimidating : menakutkan

Tadi itu adalah contoh "explanation text" atau teks eksplanasi mengenai mengapa kita bisa bulu di sekujur tubuh bisa berdiri (merinding/goose bumps) dalam bahasa inggris. Paragraf satu merupakan pernyataan umum, paragraf dua hingga lima adalah penjelasan atau proses terjadinya, dan paragraf ke enam atau yang terakhir adalah kesimpulan.

Berikut sedikit cuplikannya dalam bahasa indonesia:
Goose bumps adalah benjolan yang ada di kulit orang di dasar bulu yang secara tak sadar berkembang ketika orang berada pada kondisi temperatur yang ekstrim (dingin) atau mengalami emosi yang kuat.
Bulu berdiri dan benjolan (karena merinding) terbentuk ketika otot kecil di dasar setiap rambut (bulu) berkontraksi dan menarik rambut (bulu) berdiri. Sehingga kulit di sekitar rambut (bulu) juga ikut tertatik dan memunculkan benjolan-benjolan kecil pada kulit.

Sumber: tugas pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMA

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